First Fhirbase Release

Mike Lapshin
October 4, 2018

Health Samurai team is proud to announce the first stable release of Fhirbase, an open-source tool to store and manage FHIR data in PostgreSQL relational database.

Using SQL with FHIR data is a hot topic, which gained a lot of attention in the FHIR community. It’s been actively discussed on Storage and Analytics trackduring 19th FHIR Connectathon at Baltimore. Amount of interest is not surprising — SQL is a lingua franca for developers, data analytics and users of BI tools. Leveraging it provides a flexible way to transform and measure FHIR data.

Fhirbase by Health Samurai drastically lowers barrier to entry in SQL world with FHIR data. It allows a user to quickly create a database to store resources in and provides functionality to import data from various sources. Fhirbase is well-documented and has an online demo. We even recorded a screencast to show how to install Fhirbase: Fhirbase Installation Screencast.

We hope that Fhirbase will be useful to solve arising challenges in the FHIR community.

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