Prenosis, a pioneer in AI-driven acute care diagnostics, achieved a breakthrough in sepsis detection by developing the FDA-authorized Sepsis ImmunoScore™, deployed through their Immunix™ platform. By leveraging the Aidbox FHIR platform, Prenosis successfully built and launched the first FDA-authorized AI diagnostics tool for early sepsis detection, addressing a condition that accounts for 1 in 5 deaths worldwide and costs U.S. hospitals nearly $27 billion annually.
The partnership delivered remarkable results:
• Accelerated MVP development, completing it in just 3 months with 50% reduced development time
• Achieved seamless integration with Epic EHR systems across three major U.S. hospitals
• Processed over 75,000 patients, 200,000 encounters, and 6 million observations
• Successfully obtained FDA marketing authorization as a Software as Medical Device (SaMD)
• Managed over 5,000 plasma samples and calculated ImmunoScores for nearly 1,200 study participants
AI diagnostic tool Dataset FHIR API
Sepsis ImmunoScore™ HL7 FHIR AI/ML tool