Carl will present on overview of the challenges in translating FHIR to OMOP and will discuss various emerging solutions.

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The video features Carl Anderson from the Mayo Clinic discussing the challenges and emerging solutions for converting FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) data into the OMOP (Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership) Common Data Model.

Analytics on FHIR® Full Recap

October 30, 2024
Free of charge
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Topics & Speakers

An Open Approach for Translating FHIR to OMOP

Carl will present on overview of the challenges in translating FHIR to OMOP and will discuss various emerging solutions

Carl Anderson
Principal Integration Engineer ‍Mayo Clinic
// Bio

Carl is a Principal Platform Integration Engineer at Mayo Clinic, brings 24 years of software engineering experience, including 10 years in Healthcare Technology. He holds a MS in CS from the University of Chicago, he has worked for diverse organizations including Anaconda, Microsoft, Google, and Health Catalyst. Carl joined the FHIR community in 2019 and is active in the SQL on FHIR working group, leading the OMOP subgroup. At the Mayo Clinic, he works with a proprietary FHIR to OMOP translation process


Aidbox FHIR Platform

Aidbox is a developer-friendly FHIR platform where everything remains under your control. Build your enterprise-grade digital healthcare apps and systems using a habitual tech stack and suitable cloud infrastructure: Google, Azure, AWS, or on-premises.

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