
Aidbox ONC-certified API tools | New g6, g7, g9, b10 criteria

November 21, 2023

🔥 Exciting news! We are thrilled to announce that the Health Samurai team has successfully met new criteria with the Drummond group,  including g(6), g(7), g(9), b(10) along with ongoing (g)(10), (d)(1), (d)(9), (d)(10), (d)(13), (g)(4), (g)(5). These criteria, now officially listed on CHPL, validate that our EHR solutions comply with industry standards and regulations under the 21st-century Act.

Note: (b)(10) EHI export criterion must be tested and certified by the Health IT developers to the updated 2015 Edition Cures Update until December 31, 2023.

Having gained firsthand experience in navigating these certifications, we understand the challenges you may face on your certification journey. That's why we are here to guide and support you every step of the way. Our production-ready solutions, resources, and on-demand expertise will ensure a smooth compliance process. Our best record so far is three days to get certified.

Why choose Aidbox ONC-certified* API tools?

  • A simple way to get a certified API layer. Our record is three days.
  • Design your certified system based on our production-ready API module;
  • Seamless integration with your systems;
  • Automated deployment, on-demand support, and certification guidance.

Want to learn more?

Want to speak with an expert? The Health Samurai team is here to answer any questions.

Certification Details

HIT Vendor: Health Samurai, Inc

Date Certified: January 01, 2023

Product and Version: Aidbox FHIR API module version 1.0

Certificate Number:

CHPL Product Number:


§ 170.315(d)(1)

§ 170.315(d)(9)

§ 170.315(d)(10)

§ 170.315(d)(12)

§ 170.315(d)(13)

§ 170.315(g)(4)

§ 170.315(g)(5)

§ 170.315(g)(6)

§ 170.315(g)(7)

§ 170.315(g)(9)

§ 170.315(g)(10)

§ 170.315(b)(10)

Drummond Health IT complaince ceritifcate for Aidbox ONC-certified API tools

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1891 N Gaffey St Ste O, San Pedro, CA 90731
+1 (818) 731-1279